CATALYSTprc believes in growing and developing your greatest resource.
As a consulting and resource center, we understand that people, their involvement, and their contribution towards productivity and lasting improvement are necessary for companies to grow and sustain their success. The management and resources of CATALYSTprc are known for effectively working with and helping to develop solid relationships with people at all levels of the organization. Having tested and developed numerous processes, organizational, and operational systems, and achieving significant results, we know that people are always the key ingredient for success.
CATALYSTprc believes in improving operational efficiency through LEAN technologies.
A range of powerful forces, including increased global competition, technology, and the increased cost of raw materials and human resources is rapidly increasing. And the need to maximize the productivity of our workforce is critical—not just on the factory floor, but across the entire company. CATALYSTprc is skilled at integrating a wide range of LEAN Technologies into manufacturing companies that reduce non-value-added activities of employees while providing them a new perspective on their role as a team member and architect of productivity. CATALYSTprc has developed several training modules, process, and administrative tools to maximize productivity of people in the organization.